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Motivation - Are You Too Focused
Focusing on your future goals is, in general a good thing. It’s good to have a clear sense of direction and targets. Even so, in certain circumstances, this can actually lead to de-motivation, the opposite effect to that which could normally be expected.
The problem can appear when you are tightly focused on your desired outcome and either not achieving it or, perhaps, not achieving it fast enough. When you are only thinking about what you want to happen in the future your brain will create explanations as to why this hasn’t happened and isn’t happening.
In this situation it’s easy to replay past failures, previous bad luck and even to start wondering if your perceived personal deficiencies are an influencing factor. You may become jealous of your competitors, you may even start making excuses and then you’re on a downward spiral and you could lose self confidence. This might impact upon not only your current project but future endeavours.
At times such as this you need to smash the destructive thought pattern by setting aside a little time to reflect upon your achievements and nurture your attitude of gratitude. Make a list of your previous triumphs, your proven strengths and think about the advantages that you already enjoy in comparison with others less fortunate. This will rapidly boost your confidence and put you in the correct frame of mind to achieve your goals.
The important thing here is not to become smug or complacent but to develop the belief and positive attitude you need to go forward and win. You are going to use your current track record as a platform to realise your future goals. You deserve to succeed.

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