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If you’re thinking, “why am I stuck in this poverty stricken state of affairs over and over every day”, then the universal law of attraction will definitely pick up on your thought pattern. The energy you attract will just bring you more poverty.

However, with just a slight change in your thinking — and your talking — you could be attracting the abundance that you really want.

You just need to know how to use the universal law of attraction, and just as importantly, (and this is what many people forget)how to think so the law of attraction will bring what you want into your life.

If you want abundance in your life, create an affirmation. Something like;

“I intend to attract abundance in every way into my life.” This sure beats your old affirmation of;

“Why am I living in poverty every day.”

Then,start thinking abundance. Engage your imagination to try to see things another way, imagine you are living in the life you desire. Engage your imaginary senses to touch, taste, smell and feel the life you want. You’ll soon find yourself doing little things and noticing things that will help you to create abundance. Thanks to the law of attraction, you’ll be meeting people who will be able to help you create the life you desire.

Just give the universal laws of attraction a chance to work. Try to put aside all that negativity and start saturating yourself with positive thoughts and hopes.

For example you might [un]consciously be thinking “I’m no good with money” - is that true? How do you feel saying something like;

“Money comes to me easily” or “I am an excellent manager of my finances”? Is there some sort of dissonance when you say that to yourself?…. It just means there’s some work to be done on your attitude to money.

Jim Rohn says that “affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion”, so, if you’re going to start a new thought - make sure you follow through on your affirmation. Taking the money example - maybe you could take notes of how you spend your money and compare that to your pre-set budget, or reward yourself for saving 2% of your income- small steps that lead to big rewards-EVENTUALLY!

Then you’ll see things working for you!

Patience is the keyword you need to remember when you’re working with the law of attraction. Just because you send out all these wonderful thoughts on attracting more money into your life or a better job, a happier marriage, even a less grumpy spouse, it doesn’t mean you’ll get all this overnight.

The law of attraction does not use FedEx, or UPS, to deliver your thoughts. There’s no overnight delivery guarantee. You are guaranteed, though, that if you really are re-aligning your thoughts and actions to produce your desires that the law of attraction will

react to this. It may take longer than a day, a week or even a month, depending on what you desire.

The key to understanding and getting the most mileage out of the law of attraction is a single word:


Have faith that the universe delivers in its own time. Okay, so it may be a little slow like the US post office but it will deliver.

The problem is that often we give up believing that the law of attraction even exists. We randomly, even carelessly toss our thoughts out there hoping that somehow they’ll find their way in the maze of other energy floating around in the universe.

In dealing with the universal laws of attraction, we fail to put any muscle behind our thoughts and our desires. We need to put the muscle of intention behind them. We need to buff up our desires with a single-minded focus that won’t allow our thoughts to get lost in the universe.

While the universal laws of attraction may not use an overnight delivery service, they will indeed deliver, if you do your part too!

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