Goal Setting
Achieving Objectives Made Easy
Motivation, the Heart of Self Improvement
Pain may sometimes be the reason why people change. Getting flunked grades make us realize that we need to study. Debts remind us of our inability to look for a source of income. Being humiliated gives us the ‘push’ to speak up and fight for ourselves to save our face from the next embarrassments. It may be a bitter experience, a friend’s tragic story, a great movie, or an inspiring book that will help us get up and get just the right amount of motivation we need in order to improve ourselves.
With the countless negativities the world brings about, how do we keep motivated? Try on the tips I prepared from A to Z…
A - Achieve your dreams. Avoid negative people, things and places. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
B - Believe in your self, and in what you can do.
C – Consider things on every angle and aspect. Motivation comes from determination. To be able to understand life, you should feel the sun from both sides.
D – Don’t give up and don’t give in. Thomas Edison failed once, twice, more than thrice before he came up with his invention and perfected the incandescent light bulb. Make motivation as your steering wheel.
E – Enjoy. Work as if you don’t need money. Dance as if nobody’s watching. Love as if you never cried. Learn as if you’ll live forever. Motivation takes place when people are happy.
F – Family and Friends – are life’s greatest ‘F’ treasures. Don’t loose sight of them.
G – Give more than what is enough. Where does motivation and self improvement take place at work? At home? At school? When you exert extra effort in doing things.
H – Hang on to your dreams. They may dangle in there for a moment, but these little stars will be your driving force.
I – Ignore those who try to destroy you. Don’t let other people to get the best of you. Stay out of toxic people – the kind of friends who hates to hear about your success.
J – Just be yourself. The key to success is to be yourself. And the key to failure is to try to please everyone.
K – keep trying no matter how hard life may seem. When a person is motivated, eventually he sees a harsh life finally clearing out, paving the way to self improvement.
L – Learn to love your self. Now isn’t that easy?
M – Make things happen. Motivation is when your dreams are put into work clothes.
N – Never lie, cheat or steal. Always play a fair game.
O – Open your eyes. People should learn the horse attitude and horse sense. They see things in 2 ways – how they want things to be, and how they should be.
P – Practice makes perfect. Practice is about motivation. It lets us learn repertoire and ways on how can we recover from our mistakes.
Q – Quitters never win. And winners never quit. So, choose your fate – are you going to be a quitter? Or a winner?
R – Ready yourself. Motivation is also about preparation. We must hear the little voice within us telling us to get started before others will get on their feet and try to push us around. Remember, it wasn’t raining when Noah build the ark.
S – Stop procrastinating.
T – Take control of your life. Discipline or self control jives synonymously with motivation. Both are key factors in self improvement.
U – Understand others. If you know very well how to talk, you should also learn how to listen. Yearn to understand first, and to be understood the second.
V – Visualize it. Motivation without vision is like a boat on a dry land.
W – Want it more than anything. Dreaming means believing. And to believe is something that is rooted out from the roots of motivation and self improvement.
X – X Factor is what will make you different from the others. When you are motivated, you tend to put on “extras” on your life like extra time for family, extra help at work, extra care for friends, and so on.
Y – You are unique. No one in this world looks, acts, or talks like you. Value your life and existence, because you’re just going to spend it once.
Z – Zero in on your dreams and go for it!!!
Goal Setting
Law of Attraction Hypnosis - the Art of Getting What you Want
Imagine having what you want, when you want it, is it really possible? Does the law of attraction and hypnosis can really do that?
Now days everyone have heard of hypnosis, for some their experience of hypnosis is simply a performance they have seen on stage where people are brought up and hypnotized.
The other form of hypnotism that you probably have heard of is in the psychological front. Hypnotism is used in various situations. Whether it is to help people remember details of crimes or to help patients get rid of their addictions or fears, hypnosis is used in many forms for many reasons.
Law Of Attraction Hypnosis – What is it?
The process is the following, the law of attraction hypnosis simply puts together two of the most powerful techniques to get what you want out of life. In other words, the law of attraction hypnosis is a simple way to manifest your dreams and desire into reality.
If you have watched the Secret or any other training material about the law of attraction you know that if you focus on a goal, it can be achieved. This technique has been used by professional athletes around the world. The important part of this process is to apply positive energy around this pictured goal. Basically the idea is to attract the desired outcome to you, if you really want it, then it will come to you. This technique has been criticized by many who doubt the effectiveness of this process.
If we talk about the law of attraction hypnosis, we will take this process a little bit further. The process is the same but using hypnosis help define the pictured goal. The other difference is that the law of attraction hypnosis is not only used to reinforce the goals set in your mind but also to eliminate various patterns in your mind that could prevent you from achieving your desired results.
You see everybody wants to be successful but not everybody is ready for it. Sound weird I know but let me explain. By using the law of attraction hypnosis patient are placed in a very relaxing state that will allow them to explore and discover why they are blocking success from their lives. This could be because of different events in their childhood or other events in their past. With the power of the law of attraction hypnosis any voices of doubt in your head can be removed easily.
The law of attraction hypnosis gives you the power to achieve your goals and dreams. This simple technique helps you keep you goal in mind but most important helps you keep away the negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are probably your worst enemy when trying to reach your goal.
By: Frederic Madore
Simple Steps to Self-Improvement and Success in Your Life
It is easy to stay inside a shell, existing but not letting anything or anyone touch you in anyway. You can convince yourself that because of past events in your life that you are protecting yourself against further heartache, or you can use those experiences to strengthen as self improvement tools to gain success in your professional as well as personal life.
The movie called Patch Adams is the perfect example of a person who failed at the one thing he wanted to do most. After suffering from severe depression and hospitalization, his eyes were opened.
He realized that there were different types of psychiatric illnesses and that with the power of positive thinking, he could heal himself and others as well.
With a positive attitude he was able to help not only himself, but also the patients around him. Using these techniques also brought him the success he always wanted. He became an excellent doctor and changed the way the medical community treated its mentally ill patients.
In order to use self-improvement methods you have to sit down and take a good look at yourself. You need to understand, really understand that you are not a failure. Everyone has limitations, and being aware of that is strength, not a weakness.
The models and actors with perfect bodies that you see on television and movies are a result of strict exercise routines that often include starvation diets and hours upon hours at the gym. This is not what real life is all about. If you want to get in shape or improve your self, then sign up at a fitness center. Personal trainers are available to assist you with a routine that is right for you. Dont try to become a size one because you see it on TV. See the beauty within yourself even if you are a size ten, everyone else does.
No matter how you are how down you are feeling about yourself, if you find someone who is in the same situation, try and cheer them up. You will not believe how good you will feel about yourself when you help others.
When you make mistakes it is important that you do not feel like you are stupid or a failure. Everyone makes mistakes, some bigger than others. What is important is that you take the experience as a learning experience.
If you feel that there are several areas in your life that need improvement, it is important that you take them one at a time. You have to be realistic, if you try to change too much at once, you are bound to fail and throw yourself back into depression.
In order for self-improvement techniques to work, you will need to be strong. Self-confidence and self-esteem are very important factors when you are trying to build a positive image.
You need to set goals for yourself. Be realistic; dont set your goals so high that they are not attainable.
The old adage little things mean a lot holds true in everyday life. Letting someone at work know that they did a good job on a project, or a simple hi with a smile on your face can do a lot for the morale of your co-workers.
Take the time to appreciate all the things around you. Stop and smell the flowers once in awhile, you will be surprised at how the sweet fragrance cheers you up.
In order to be respected, you need to respect others. The world is full of people with different likes and dislikes, and different tastes. When you respect someone elses rights, then it is more likely that you will be respected in return.
What Has Luck Got To Do With Law Of Attraction?
How does one get “lucky”?
A friend shared with me the following acronym: L.U.C.K. - Labor Under Correct Knowledge.
We can only get “lucky” if we go about our task with the right knowledge.
What has “luck” got to do with the Law of Attraction and Law of Success then?
You may be accustomed to thinking about luck as some mysterious, fleeting quality that you either have or don’t have. But the Law of Attraction teaches us that we can consciously choose to become lucky.
How then?
While the dictionary defines luck as chance or good fortune, studying the Law of Attraction awakens us to the understanding that chance has little to do with it. It is our thoughts, emotions, beliefs and actions that determine the outcome of any situation, not some random quirk of fate.
Thus, it is much more about the type of person you are and the things you consistently do that determine how lucky you are.
Through the conscious use of the Law of Attraction, you can easily and quickly become the luckiest person on the planet! You just have to understand how to get some good energy flowing through your life by adopting the mind-set and demeanor of a lucky person. This involves learning how to alter your thoughts, emotions and actions in such a way that they attract opportunities, abundance and good fortune.
How can you do this? If you’ve ever observed the people that seem to be naturally lucky, you may have noticed a few interesting things about them.
Lucky people:
- Are optimists. They always expect the best outcome with whatever they do, and as a result, they very often get it! Optimists don’t spend time brooding over missed opportunities or a lack of options. Instead they focus on the positives and MAKE situations work for them. At the same time, they have learned the art of detachment. They let go of any need for a specific outcome and instead remain open to the many good things that life has to offer. This very mind-set is what attracts great opportunities into their lives, and also gives them the keen awareness to recognize such opportunities.
- Live in the moment. They don’t spend time obsessing over negative things that happened in the past, and they don’t harbor anxiety about the future. Instead, they simply grasp the joy and passion that life has to offer them right NOW, and let the future take care of itself. This also contributes to clearer thought processes, which enables them to be more aware of the potential that exists in each moment.
- Take action without hesitation. You will rarely see a lucky person hesitating, doubting, or holding back on something they really want to do. Instead, they leap ahead when they see something they want. They are not afraid of hard work, but they also seem to have an innate ability to make any endeavor fun and exciting. They don’t groan about how hard life is; they take control of the wheel and steer their lives where they want to go!
Promise yourself that you will consciously begin taking these actions on a regular basis. You will notice a gradually increasing flow of good fortune. You will attract not only better outcomes in every situation, you will call forth endless opportunities to keep improving all areas of your life.
Above all, stay positive, stay committed, stay abundant and as the Law of Attraction states, you will attract the good things in life.
By: Tiat Leong Ang
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